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Let's get started 본문

미드쉐도잉의 변화과정/영어로 한줄일기

Let's get started

다린. 2020. 2. 4. 16:28

Today was monday. 

These day we don't have work a lot.  

So I've finished too early. 

It's  good for taking some rest , but  I can't make money a lot. 

I feel ambivalent.  

Actually  I want to make money. I want to be the rich.


Oh, lastly  this is my first diary on tstory.

I want to keep doing this from now on. 

Hopefully again!!




[ Today's new word ]

ambivalent  :  반대 감정이 공존하는 , 애증이 엇갈리는




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